In 2022 BMXNZ hosted officiating and commissaire development workshops for the first time, and the benefits and knowledge gained was very favourable and positive for all attendees – a great weekend was had by all. The officiating area of our sport is currently in a strong position, and there has been great progress made in this space over recent years. Like all sporting relating matters, we are continually looking to improve our systems and most importantly education of the team, to deliver the best possible outcome for the sport. Creating an environment where our riders benefit from, thus providing a clear and consistent environment, are paramount for the ongoing progress of the officiating team. This philosophy applies across all officiating platforms and levels in our sport – club, regional and national.
To continue this development pathway, the officiating panel are planning to deliver development workshops across New Zealand over the forthcoming race season.
The workshop will consist of classroom and track side content, with a strong interactive component, to ensure all attendees gain maximum benefit, but at the same time are have fun! Having full confidence when faced with the many different scenarios, from event management to applying race regulations, can only be achieved by educating and supporting the officiating team. This is the key objective and focus for the development workshops, that will be of benefit to those interested in club events only, through to regional and national level events. The more depth across all levels we have in the officiating space, the better support and consistent environment we can deliver to the riders and other stakeholders.
We encourage anyone who has completed the BMXNZ Level 1 Officiating assessment to attend [or if you haven’t now, complete before the workshop, and particularly those that are seeking to further develop as a commissaire or official.
Manawa Mason
National Commissaire / Officiating Panel M: 0274 121172
BMX New Zealand
PO Box 1073
Waikato Mail Centre
Hamilton 3240